Who am I?

As a writer, I’ve been inspired by much of what I’ve consumed as a nerd. Warhammer, 28 Days Later (2002), Star Wars. All have influenced me in some way, yet it was films like Interstellar (2014) and Scent of a Woman (1993) that inspired me to write movies.

I’m good at horror. I’m no Alfred Hitchcock but I like to think I get close. My biggest goals for my screenwriting career are to write a horror film so foul that it would talked about for years after release and maybe make an Oscar-winner. For the actors, not me. You won’t be getting speeches out of me.

You also won’t see much of my face online or anywhere else, hopefully. I prefer the behind-the-camera work. Without that, what is there for the people in front of it to do?

Aside from writing, I like carving wood reliefs like the one to the right. I don’t if I’ll ever get to that level but I’ll be damned if I don’t try.